Thursday, May 2, 2013

create  bussiness card by adobe photoshop:

how can create bussiness card ?

step 1 :open adobe photoshop.and take a file.

background color white ,foreground color yellow.

step 2:go to filter menu .render -clouds.

step 3 :by marquee tool draw a shape.and fill it black color.

step 4 :go to layer -layer style -gradient overly.

first slide code black and 2nd slider code is 6a6a6a.gradient select  reverse ,style radia,seleect align with layer. angle 0 scale 150.

step 5 :take new layer.draw a shape by ractangle marquee control T and angle it.

step 6 :layer 2 select position layer 1 select by press control.

step 7:go t o select -inverse -press delete key from keyboard.

step 8;  now take 2 duplicate layer of layer 2 . first layer name shadow,2nd layer  taxture.

step 9: select shadow -fill black.

go to filter menu-blur motion blur -angle 0,distance 40.

step 10: select taxture , fill black.

go to filter menu -noise add noise --amount 12.5

select gaussion-monochromatic.

again filter menu-blur motion blur-angle -54,s 40.mode change linear dodge.

step 11:select main layer . go to layer layer style -gradient overly -color by your choice. select reverse. angle 0 scale 120.

step 12 : now write your taxture.

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